Friday, September 18, 2009

Budget Blues

So, I had a little reality check last night in the budget department! Sigh...
It's "good" to sit down and take a good hard look at the money coming in and the money going out, but it's not fun to think about cutting back in lots of areas. We should probably take the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace seminar, but honestly, I am afraid to. (Not to mention I'd probably be going by myself because of Trey's schedule) I know it is hard core, and I know we're probably not doing things the "Dave Ramsey way."
For instance, I like to think we "need" a bigger house, but I know we don't really "need" it, we just want it. When we bought this house, we assumed we'd be able to sell it whenever we wanted and NEVER intended to stay here longer than 3 years. Well, our 3 year mark has come and gone and we're still here, with two kids I might add and the living space is feeling very claustrophobic. Contentment is a word/lesson that comes to mind a lot lately. It's easy to focus on all the people who have more than you and want to get "bigger and better" stuff, but will it make me truly happier? No. I would love to have a yard that my kids can play in tomorrow but that's not gonig to happen. I know one day we'll have that, but not today, so as for me I'll stay focused on learning to be content in all circumstances and count my blessings! Because I am truly blessed!


Rachael said...

Oh how I can relate! We have to sit down and take a look at the budget this week and I am NOT looking forward to it!

JJ said...

Come to China and everything will change! :) Ya'll should be hearing from us soon in the mail!!

Jenny Lynn said...

my husband and i took financial peace and it has changed our lives. the awesome thing about it is that you choose the areas that you want to spend a lot of money in. he doesn't tell you that you can't ever spend money, you just gain the knowledge of where your money is going each month and helps you determine a plan for your money.

but, i can tell you...there are still many wants that i have :)

The Hoppers said...

I love Dave Ramsey! It will fire you up to get out of debt! And it's relatively painless!!!! Check it out! Although "Dave" was a four-letter-word in our house for a while.:) It's all better now.