Thursday, August 7, 2008

Baby Countdown!

I am in total countdown mode with this pregnancy now. I am 34 weeks and 1 day! Yippee! We are getting so excited to meet our new little bundle. And no, we still don't know what the sex of the baby is. I think it is funny the looks you get when you tell people you don't know if you are having a boy or girl. Most people give you this crazy look and say something like, " What, can you not find out yet?" With a quick glance down to my ever growing belly, I laugh and say, "Oh, we just decided to let it be a surprise." I do have to say that lately, I have been getting more positive reactions from older women who never knew what they were having. It's nice to hear a few people tell you how much fun it will be in that moment of surprise and joy. I can't say that I haven't had my moments of weakness. I definitely begged trey around 30 weeks to come with me to an ultrasound so we could find out. Of course he said, "No way, we've waited this long, we are not finding out now." I am so glad he didn't let me do it. I will say, they only negative thing has been not being able to do the nursery ahead of time. I am such a planner and love decorating anyway. I also didn't want to do a totally gender neutral nursery, so that has been frustrating at times, but I still think it'll be worth it.
It's wierd, this pregnancy has been similar to my pregnancy with Sophie, yet so different. Because of my job, I have a totally different mindset about childbirth, a different doctor, a different hospital, and it's a surprise. With Sophie, I was pretty much planning my induction at the moment of conception. I ended up being induced at 38.5 weeks and had all internal monitoring, epidural, episiotomy. . . and I still felt like it was a great delivery. For some reason I have had a huge desire to have an unmedicated delivery this time. I also don't want to be induced, but that is easy to say at 34 weeks. We'll see how I feel at 39 weeks when that induction is sounding so good! After having such a big baby the first time (9 lbs) I have no desire to find out just how big of a baby I can deliver if you know what I mean. Especially since I want to try to do it without drugs! (BTW, I am totally not knocking all the medical interventions we have available. So it you are pregnant and going to have an induction etc... I say go for it. You should do what you feel led to do with your baby and your body.) I really hope that this delivery goes how I want it to, but ultimately I have really had to let go and realize that no matter what, I am not in control and God is!
I am sure I'll be blogging about the delivery afterwards, so stay tuned. I have been addicted to reading people's birth stores lately, so it'll be fun to write my own.


annieck said...

I think it's cool you're not finding out what the sex of the baby is. We did that with both boys, and now, I don't think we could do it any other way. As you know, I did natural childbirth with Tristan (I had it planned with Ash, but things didn't quite work out as planned...that's a whole other story), and not knowing his sex really gave me something to work for, if that makes any sense. It gave me that extra motivation to work through the pain to see what we were having. When he came out, I can't explain the feeling of finally knowing that we had a little boy. It was INCREDIBLE!!! I highly recommend it! :)

As for the natural childbirth, you'll do GREAT! I think it's AWESOME that you are doing this. It will give you such a new respect for your body, your baby, God, and the miracle of childbirth (not that medicated births can't do those things...). I know you may be a little nervous about having a giant baby. I had that fear too. That's how Asher ended up being induced. Looking back, I wish I had done things differently. Things went well, though, and I am thankful for that.
Anyway, Tristan was a week early and 8 lb 10 oz. Asher was a week late, I was HUGE, and my doc thought he may be a 10 pounder. Knowing these things put fear in me, and I doubted what my body could do. Turns out, Asher was only 9 pounds.
Oh well! You never know, right?

I'm super proud of you, Abby. No matter what happens, I think you're an awesome (and super tiny) mom! :)

Stephanie Drew said...

yay for an update! i'm so excited to meet the new baby...and so excited to see Sophie be a great big sister! we love you guys so much!!!!