I have had a lot of sleepless nights lately! Ugh, i feel like a new mother almost with the number of times I've been getting up at night.
I worked Saturday night so, of course I was awake at work all night.
Sunday night Selah decides to wake up and scream bloody murder at 2 am until I went and fed her a bottle. Monday night Sophie woke up and came downstairs to tell me she "wet the bed." So I changed her and stripped her bed, put her on the sofa at 2 am only to realize as I tucked her in that she was BURNING UP with fever. Gave her some motrin and water then went to bed. Then Selah woke up at 5:30 am screaming for another bottle which I eventually obliged so I could get some more rest ( i seriously wait until they are howling to get up because we don't want to start any bad habits). Sophie is at 103 that morning so we head to the doctor only to find out she doesn't have flu or strep. And even if she did have flu, they wouldn't treat it.
Last night we let Sophie sleep on the sofa because she likes to be closer to us when she is sick. So she wakes me up at 11pm (45 minutes after I went to bed) to tell me she's thirsty. I take her temp..104.4 axillary, more motrin. Trey goes to the sofa, Sophie gets in bed with me and proceeds to wake up every 30 minutes to tell me how bad she feels. 2am, Sophie wakes up to tell me "Mommy, I need to go potty." Only problem, she already went "potty" in my bed. So wierd, because she NEVER wets the bed, so two nights in a row is CRAZY. I wake up and change her, strip my bed, change the sheets. She keeps saying my side hurts, pointing to her kidney, so I am thinking Kidney infection.... Guess we'll be going to the doctor again. Eyes roll. But she's my baby and I hate it when she's hurting! 6:15 am - Selah wakes up bright and early. Now it's 9:30 am , Selah's taking a nap and Sophie is still asleep in my bed... I actually am not tired at all. I think God is giving me some supernatural mama strength to keep me going. Thank you LORD!!!!
Praying for some sleep tonight though because I am working tomorrow night (if I get called in).
Hope you guys are sleeping better than me!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009

So, I tried to have a somewhat "secret blog" where I could post labor and delivery type stuff. But, I changed my mind and am going public with it. I'll just have to be a little more careful with what I post...
Check it out at http://www.naturalbirthnurse.blogspot.com/ I just posted about my sweet friend Rachael's birth story (with her blessing of course)! It is amazing!!! I'd love to hear any other birth stories you have to share!
Check it out at http://www.naturalbirthnurse.blogspot.com/ I just posted about my sweet friend Rachael's birth story (with her blessing of course)! It is amazing!!! I'd love to hear any other birth stories you have to share!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Enter at your own risk...
We got a security system yesterday which I am SO HAPPY about especially with Trey being gone so much. I have never felt the need for one before, but recently I have wanted a little extra security.
We got a great deal from ADT with a $49 installation and only a 1 year contract. I am very relieved that it is now installed and fully operational.
However, as a cheaper alternative, Trey seemed to think placing this sign outside would have been just as effective. Beware intruders! We do have a double barrel shotgun and apparently Trey isn't afraid to use it.... HAHAHAHAHA=)
We got a great deal from ADT with a $49 installation and only a 1 year contract. I am very relieved that it is now installed and fully operational.
However, as a cheaper alternative, Trey seemed to think placing this sign outside would have been just as effective. Beware intruders! We do have a double barrel shotgun and apparently Trey isn't afraid to use it.... HAHAHAHAHA=)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sweet Riley
I am excited about having some sister time this weekend!

We'll be seeing this shining face tomorrow!

Maybe she'll do the robot for us.... She is way too good at it!

The last time we were all together was in NYC in July!

I am sure there will be lots of this going on!

We'll surely have some photo ops...

and we'll be hearing lots about this place!

We'll be seeing this shining face tomorrow!
Maybe she'll do the robot for us.... She is way too good at it!
The last time we were all together was in NYC in July!
I am sure there will be lots of this going on!
We'll surely have some photo ops...
and we'll be hearing lots about this place!
Shop by Color
I am very drawn to color everywhere I go. When I shop, I definitely shop by color! I've had a green kick, an orange kick, and now I am on a yellow kick. These are a few of my favorite yellow finds this summer. It's not much of a Fall color, so I may have to move onto something more seasonally appropriate, but with the weather we're having, I think I can hang onto my yellow a little while longer=)
The best thing about these two articles of clothing is that they were both less than$10! The bright yellow cardigan surprisingly goes with almost anything. It's not too matchy, but it just "works" with most of my clothes. It's from the Ann Taylor clearance rack. My yellow sandals were a New York find for $9.99. Gotta love that=)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
You're Welcome Pottery Barn
For the record, I had these BEFORE Pottery Barn
If you've been to my house in the past 2 1/2 years, you've seen my window treatments. I found a great fabric at King Cotton downtown and had drapes, a valance and a roman shade made for our living area. I love it so much and can honestly say I am not tired of it at all. I get so many compliments on these window treatments!
(these are pictures of my curtains and roman shade)

So you can imagine my surprise when I open up a Pottery Barn recently and see MY special wonderful beautiful fabric in their catalog under window treatments. While I am flattered that I apparently have good taste, I am not thrilled that my lovely and unique window treatments will now fill the houses of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Anyway, if you like mine, then you can go get them at Pottery Barn. And don't worry, they have bedding and throw pillows to match!
(these pictures are from http://www.potterybarn.com/)

If you've been to my house in the past 2 1/2 years, you've seen my window treatments. I found a great fabric at King Cotton downtown and had drapes, a valance and a roman shade made for our living area. I love it so much and can honestly say I am not tired of it at all. I get so many compliments on these window treatments!
(these are pictures of my curtains and roman shade)
So you can imagine my surprise when I open up a Pottery Barn recently and see MY special wonderful beautiful fabric in their catalog under window treatments. While I am flattered that I apparently have good taste, I am not thrilled that my lovely and unique window treatments will now fill the houses of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Anyway, if you like mine, then you can go get them at Pottery Barn. And don't worry, they have bedding and throw pillows to match!
(these pictures are from http://www.potterybarn.com/)

Friday, September 18, 2009
More booster info..
I found some more info on carseat law and thought i'd pass it along, mostly because I didn't know any of this a few weeks ago. And my pediatricians office did NOT tell me the Alabama Car seat law of 5 years old and/or 40 lbs when I called and asked about putting Sophie in a booster at 36 pounds, they just told me to go by what is on the box...
So, I have been considering getting Sophie a booster seat because she is 36 pounds and some of them start at 30 pounds as the minimum weight. I've been thinking about it and going back and forth for a few months about it. I just keep thinking "how can a booster seat be as safe as a carseat?" I have no experience with all of this and haven't heard from many other moms who've made the transition to booster seats, so I just have been researching things on my own. I even called the pediatrician and they basically told me to go by what is on the box of the carseat. So, since it's Sophie's bday, we were going to take her to Target and get her a booster seat.
However, right before we are about to walk out the door and, I came across this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azgBhZfcqaQ
So as for me, I think we'll be stickin with a carseat for a while longer....I am glad I came across this information when I did because this information was convincing enough for me to change my mind and get another 5 pt harness carseat.
Here is another similar video made by parents urging others to leave their children in a 5 pt harness as long as possible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2LFo8vVi04&feature=fvw
Here is some info I found on http://www.about.com/ about alabama carseat laws...
Alabama Car Seat Law Changes
Friday November 3, 2006
I've had a few questions lately about car seat laws in Alabama. The state law changed in July 2006 to require forward-facing car seats until age 5 or 40 pounds, and to require booster seat use until age 6. Alabama is one of many U.S. states to make car seat law changes in recent years. Federal guidelines now suggest that children are safest when they stay in a harnessed car seat as long as possible, and then use a booster seat until they are at least 4'9" tall or weigh at least 80 pounds. Often the height and weight recommendations are met around age 8. Several states, including Kansas, have changed their car seat laws to reflect these federal guidelines.
So, I have been considering getting Sophie a booster seat because she is 36 pounds and some of them start at 30 pounds as the minimum weight. I've been thinking about it and going back and forth for a few months about it. I just keep thinking "how can a booster seat be as safe as a carseat?" I have no experience with all of this and haven't heard from many other moms who've made the transition to booster seats, so I just have been researching things on my own. I even called the pediatrician and they basically told me to go by what is on the box of the carseat. So, since it's Sophie's bday, we were going to take her to Target and get her a booster seat.
However, right before we are about to walk out the door and, I came across this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azgBhZfcqaQ
So as for me, I think we'll be stickin with a carseat for a while longer....I am glad I came across this information when I did because this information was convincing enough for me to change my mind and get another 5 pt harness carseat.
Here is another similar video made by parents urging others to leave their children in a 5 pt harness as long as possible. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2LFo8vVi04&feature=fvw
Here is some info I found on http://www.about.com/ about alabama carseat laws...
Alabama Car Seat Law Changes
Friday November 3, 2006
I've had a few questions lately about car seat laws in Alabama. The state law changed in July 2006 to require forward-facing car seats until age 5 or 40 pounds, and to require booster seat use until age 6. Alabama is one of many U.S. states to make car seat law changes in recent years. Federal guidelines now suggest that children are safest when they stay in a harnessed car seat as long as possible, and then use a booster seat until they are at least 4'9" tall or weigh at least 80 pounds. Often the height and weight recommendations are met around age 8. Several states, including Kansas, have changed their car seat laws to reflect these federal guidelines.
Budget Blues
So, I had a little reality check last night in the budget department! Sigh...
It's "good" to sit down and take a good hard look at the money coming in and the money going out, but it's not fun to think about cutting back in lots of areas. We should probably take the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace seminar, but honestly, I am afraid to. (Not to mention I'd probably be going by myself because of Trey's schedule) I know it is hard core, and I know we're probably not doing things the "Dave Ramsey way."
For instance, I like to think we "need" a bigger house, but I know we don't really "need" it, we just want it. When we bought this house, we assumed we'd be able to sell it whenever we wanted and NEVER intended to stay here longer than 3 years. Well, our 3 year mark has come and gone and we're still here, with two kids I might add and the living space is feeling very claustrophobic. Contentment is a word/lesson that comes to mind a lot lately. It's easy to focus on all the people who have more than you and want to get "bigger and better" stuff, but will it make me truly happier? No. I would love to have a yard that my kids can play in tomorrow but that's not gonig to happen. I know one day we'll have that, but not today, so as for me I'll stay focused on learning to be content in all circumstances and count my blessings! Because I am truly blessed!
It's "good" to sit down and take a good hard look at the money coming in and the money going out, but it's not fun to think about cutting back in lots of areas. We should probably take the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace seminar, but honestly, I am afraid to. (Not to mention I'd probably be going by myself because of Trey's schedule) I know it is hard core, and I know we're probably not doing things the "Dave Ramsey way."
For instance, I like to think we "need" a bigger house, but I know we don't really "need" it, we just want it. When we bought this house, we assumed we'd be able to sell it whenever we wanted and NEVER intended to stay here longer than 3 years. Well, our 3 year mark has come and gone and we're still here, with two kids I might add and the living space is feeling very claustrophobic. Contentment is a word/lesson that comes to mind a lot lately. It's easy to focus on all the people who have more than you and want to get "bigger and better" stuff, but will it make me truly happier? No. I would love to have a yard that my kids can play in tomorrow but that's not gonig to happen. I know one day we'll have that, but not today, so as for me I'll stay focused on learning to be content in all circumstances and count my blessings! Because I am truly blessed!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
It's a Britax...

A Britax Boulevard that is...(and it's pink!)
Thanks to everyone who pointed me in the right direction as far as finding a "good deal" on a carseat. This is what I've finally settled on. If I like it I may order another one so that we can put the other carseat in Trey's car. I am super excited to have something pink since we usually order gender neutral for things like carseats! I found it on albeebaby.com for 189.99 no tax and free shipping! Woohoo! Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Happy Birthday to my Big Girl!
This picture of Sophie and Trey melts my heart how they are looking so intently at eachother!
I love this picture of Sophie even though she's all swollen and puffy. I just remember getting to experience a "mother's love" for the first time and how overwhelming it was. Children are SUCH a blessing and I can't imagine life without them.
I love you Sophie girl sooooo much. You are sweet, smart, thoughtful, sensitive and so loving. I am so blessed to have you in my life and I really wish you'd slow down on the "growing up" because your little life is flying by too fast for me! I pray for you daily that God will mature you into a woman who is after His heart and that He will use you to further His kingdom. You are so loved! Happy Birthday to my wonderful 4 year old!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Jesus loves me this I know!
My sweet sweet friend Jennifer gave Selah this bible for her birthday. She told me it had been on Darby's blog (which I LOVE)! So of course I pulled it out to read tonight at bedtime and it is Wonderful, beyond Wonderful!!! I absolutely love it. I was in tears within the first few sentences. I think Sophie thought I was crazy. But I read to her and then we talked about Jesus and Heaven and God. It was one of those conversations you want to burn into your brain forever! She asks questions about God and the bible and Jesus a lot, but I haven't really felt like she was ready to really understand it well enough to actually ask Jesus into her heart, but I am beginning to think she is pretty close. Our conversation was truly precious. Sophie asked me sweet things like "What is heaven like Mommy?" "Will you be in heaven too?" and then the real tear jerker that got me was (talking about seeing God when we get to heaven) "Will He call my name?" Oh my goodness, I am crying just thinking about it. Out of the mouths of babes...
To make this little book even more special, I started reading the commentaries on it and the first review was written by Tim Keller from Redeemer Presbyterian in NYC . Immediately I am impressed because Redeemer Pres is my favorite church in the world besides COTH - I have said the only way I'd even consider leaving Highlands was if Tim Keller moved here and started a church. I've been listening to Tim Keller since middle school and have the utmost respect for him. So I kept reading and I realized that the sweet woman who wrote the book goes to church at Redeemer in NYC! How awesome is that! I can't wait to read more tomorrow night, more tears probably... Sometimes that is what we need in our time with Jesus though, just simplicity and truth.
All of you must go and buy it tomorrow, seriously, not the next day, but tomorrow! It's that sweet! Thanks Jenn! You're the best - I am working on thankyou notes this week=). I have a lot to write...
Here is a little taste
Jesus Storybook Bible Every Story Whispers His Name
Chapter One
So God breathed life into Adam and Eve.
When they opened their eyes, the first thing they ever saw was God's face. He whispered their names to them and taught them who they were.
And when God saw them he was like a new dad. "You look like me," he said. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever made!"
God loved them with all of his heart. And they were lovely because he loved them.
And Adam and Eve joined in the Song of the stars and the streams and the wind in the trees, the wonderful Song of love to the one who made them. Their hearts were filled with happiness. And nothing ever made them sad or lonely or sick or afraid.
God looked at everything he had made. "Perfect!" he said. And it was.
But all the stars and the mountains and oceans and galaxies and everything were nothing compared to how much God loved his children. He would move Heaven and Earth to be near them. Always. Whatever happened, whatever it cost him, he would always love them.
And s ... read full excerpt from Jesus Storybook Bible ebook
When they opened their eyes, the first thing they ever saw was God's face. He whispered their names to them and taught them who they were.
And when God saw them he was like a new dad. "You look like me," he said. "You're the most beautiful thing I've ever made!"
God loved them with all of his heart. And they were lovely because he loved them.
And Adam and Eve joined in the Song of the stars and the streams and the wind in the trees, the wonderful Song of love to the one who made them. Their hearts were filled with happiness. And nothing ever made them sad or lonely or sick or afraid.
God looked at everything he had made. "Perfect!" he said. And it was.
But all the stars and the mountains and oceans and galaxies and everything were nothing compared to how much God loved his children. He would move Heaven and Earth to be near them. Always. Whatever happened, whatever it cost him, he would always love them.
And s ... read full excerpt from Jesus Storybook Bible ebook
***Check out my comments to hear a word from the author, Sally Lloyd-Jones!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Selah - the meaning
I meant to include this in my previous post, but...
For all of those wondering what in the world Selah means, here are a few definitions. My favorite meanings of selah are "to weigh or determine the value" "to pause and reflect" "let those with eyes see and with ears hear"
I love her name even though most people have lots of questions about it and don't pronounce it the way we intended. I love that it is rich in meaning and significance just like her!
From Wikipedia:
Selah (Hebrew: סלה) is a word used frequently in the Hebrew Bible, often in the Psalms and is a difficult concept to translate.
Selah is probably either a liturgico-musical mark or an instruction on the reading of the text, something like "stop and listen". "Let those with eyes see and with ears hear" is most concise. The Psalms were sung accompanied by musical instruments and there are references to this in many chapters. Thirty-one of the thirty-nine psalms with the caption "To the choir-master" include the word "Selah". Selah notes a break in the song and as such is similar in purpose to Amen in that it stresses the importance of the preceding passage. Alternatively, Selah may mean "forever", as it does in some places in the liturgy (notably the second to last blessing of the Amidah). Another interpretation claims that Selah comes from the primary Hebrew root word [calah] which means "to hang", and by implication to measure (weigh).[1] Also "Selah" is the name of a city from the time of David and Solomon.[2]
It is translated into today's general language with the meaning: think about it or praise [the Lord]. Other editions just leave it untranslated as "sela" or "selah"
In Islam and in Arabic generally, Salah (also pronounced Ṣalāt) means prayer, and Selah means connection. Both words come from the same original root Sel which means connect.
For all of those wondering what in the world Selah means, here are a few definitions. My favorite meanings of selah are "to weigh or determine the value" "to pause and reflect" "let those with eyes see and with ears hear"
I love her name even though most people have lots of questions about it and don't pronounce it the way we intended. I love that it is rich in meaning and significance just like her!
From Wikipedia:
Selah (Hebrew: סלה) is a word used frequently in the Hebrew Bible, often in the Psalms and is a difficult concept to translate.
Selah is probably either a liturgico-musical mark or an instruction on the reading of the text, something like "stop and listen". "Let those with eyes see and with ears hear" is most concise. The Psalms were sung accompanied by musical instruments and there are references to this in many chapters. Thirty-one of the thirty-nine psalms with the caption "To the choir-master" include the word "Selah". Selah notes a break in the song and as such is similar in purpose to Amen in that it stresses the importance of the preceding passage. Alternatively, Selah may mean "forever", as it does in some places in the liturgy (notably the second to last blessing of the Amidah). Another interpretation claims that Selah comes from the primary Hebrew root word [calah] which means "to hang", and by implication to measure (weigh).[1] Also "Selah" is the name of a city from the time of David and Solomon.[2]
It is translated into today's general language with the meaning: think about it or praise [the Lord]. Other editions just leave it untranslated as "sela" or "selah"
In Islam and in Arabic generally, Salah (also pronounced Ṣalāt) means prayer, and Selah means connection. Both words come from the same original root Sel which means connect.
Selah Rose Warren - One year old!
One year ago today our lives were changed forever by the birth of our sweet little Selah Rose. She is a sweet and spirited little girl and possibly may be my "strong willed child." But, I love her so dearly and I know God will mold and mature me as a mother through learning to parent this precious little girl. Selah, I thank God every day for what a blessing you are to our family and I pray that He will use you for His glory all the days of your life.
My view of birth in general was also changed by the amazing experience of Selah's birth. I am slowly but surely learning more and more about the benefits of natural birth and hopefully the next one will be totally natural without any medical intervention. I have come a long way since then but I still have a long way to go!
Stay tuned for birthday pictures!
My view of birth in general was also changed by the amazing experience of Selah's birth. I am slowly but surely learning more and more about the benefits of natural birth and hopefully the next one will be totally natural without any medical intervention. I have come a long way since then but I still have a long way to go!
Stay tuned for birthday pictures!
labor and delivery,
mother's love,
natural birth,
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
S is for Sophie - L is for Luke
First Day of School for our kiddos, so sister and I arrived a bit early to try and snap a few keepers of our 4k cutie pies! I think we got some pretty good ones=) This is becoming an annual tradition for us. Hope we keep it going. I'm sure we'll be glad we did!
God's House
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Baby Fever!!!
My head (and my husband) tell me no but my heart is telling me something else! I feel so surrounded by pregnant people right now, not just at work either. So many of my good friends are pregnant. I feel like everybody is pregnant but me! I saw a picture of me pregnant today and almost started crying. Am I crazy? I must be hormonal! (Hmmm... what day is it?)
We cannot be ready for another baby. We are busting at the seams in our house as it is. Selah is a red hot mess right now and I know I have a lot ahead of me this year with both girls. Plus Trey is gone most of the time and when he is home he is exhausted. But I have to say that if I did happen to get pregnant now unexpectedly, I would feel nothing but JOY!
I will admit that about a week ago when I was having a bad day with Selah, I went on and on about how I WAS NOT ready for another baby, but other than a few days like that one, I am mostly really wanting another little one ( and deep down I really don't think it'll be the last one either).
Does anyone have a remedy for this illness BABY FEVER!
We cannot be ready for another baby. We are busting at the seams in our house as it is. Selah is a red hot mess right now and I know I have a lot ahead of me this year with both girls. Plus Trey is gone most of the time and when he is home he is exhausted. But I have to say that if I did happen to get pregnant now unexpectedly, I would feel nothing but JOY!
I will admit that about a week ago when I was having a bad day with Selah, I went on and on about how I WAS NOT ready for another baby, but other than a few days like that one, I am mostly really wanting another little one ( and deep down I really don't think it'll be the last one either).
Does anyone have a remedy for this illness BABY FEVER!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
VBAC info and our messed up Healthcare System!
This is a very interesting interview to read. It's kinda long, but this man knows his stuff and he is trying to fight for what is right, not what will line his own pockets! Gotta admire that! Enjoy, and hope it makes you think...
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